

What services do you offer?
How long does it take to create a website?

The timeline varies based on complexity and scope. Website projects typically take 2-6 weeks, mobile apps and complex UI/UX designs 8-16 weeks, and business automation solutions and online shops vary depending on requirements.

What is your pricing structure?

Our pricing is based on the specific requirements and complexity of each project. We provide custom quotes after an initial consultation to understand your needs.

Do you offer ongoing maintenance and support?

Yes, we provide ongoing maintenance and support packages to ensure your website, app, business automation systems, and online shops stay up-to-date and function smoothly.

Can you redesign my existing website or app?

 Absolutely! We specialize in redesigning existing websites and apps to improve their functionality, aesthetics, and user experience.

What platforms and technologies do you use?

We use various platforms and technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, React, Angular, WordPress, C# and mobile app frameworks like Flutter and React Native. For business automation, we utilize tools like Zapier, Integromat, and custom APIs.

How do you approach UI/UX design?

Our UI/UX design process involves user research, wireframing, prototyping, user testing, and iterative design improvements to ensure the final product meets user needs and expectations.

Will my website be mobile-friendly?

Yes, all our websites are designed to be fully responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring they look and function well on all devices.

Do you offer e-commerce solutions?

Yes, we develop e-commerce websites with features like product catalogs, shopping carts, payment gateways, and inventory management systems.

How do you ensure the security of my website or app?

We follow best practices for web and app security, including data encryption, secure coding practices, regular updates, and security audits to protect against vulnerabilities.

Can I update the content on my website myself?

Yes, we provide content management systems (CMS) that allow you to easily update and manage your website content without needing technical skills.

What if I need changes after the project is completed?

We offer post-launch support and maintenance services. Any additional changes can be handled as part of our ongoing support or billed separately based on the scope of the changes.

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